Tuition for 2024/25
Classes are *$70/month with multi-class and multi-student discounts available (*Begins August 2024)
Annual $45 Registration Fee per student is due upon enrolling (50% discount for each additional student in the same family)
Tuition is based on a yearly amount, broken down into a monthly fee. We do not prorate for shorter months, and holidays. Our dance year ends in July.
*Dance Production (Jan-June) Add $60/month plus a $45 materials fee due upon enrollment
​(*Prerequisite-concurrent enrollment in ANY dance class. Ages 6 and up.)
Costumes are paid for by enrollees. Discounts not applied to Production classes.
*Nutcracker Production (Sept-Dec.) Add $60/month plus a $45 materials fee due upon enrollment
​(*Prerequisite-concurrent enrollment in ANY dance class. Ages 5 and up.) - No costume fees are required. Discounts not applied to Prosuction classes.
*Lyrical for Teens is $60/month (due to shorter class time)
$70/month- 1 class per week (*unless noted above)
5% discount per additional student or class (*unless otherwise noted above; using automatic payment system only)
Dress Code
We expect our dancers to be dressed for success! School and street clothes/jeans not permitted.
Hair must be pulled back away from the face.
Appropriate dance shoes required at each class:
-Tiny Dancer/Toddler Classes: bare feet or pink/black leather ballet shoes.
-Tap and Ballet Classes: black tap shoes and pink or black leather ballet shoes.
-Princess Ballet Classes: pink leather ballet shoes (without ties preferred)
-Fun n' Funky Jazz: black slip-on jazz shoes.
-Lyrical for Teens: nude half sole lyrical shoe
-Acro/Tumble: bare feet preferred
Visit our Discount Dance Supply Studio Store HERE
Tuition: Tuition is due the first of each month. There will be a $25.00 late fee applied to the account balance for payments received after the tenth. Tuition is not prorated for missed days, holidays or school vacations.
Refunds: There are no refunds given for paid classes. In order to cancel your tuition, 2 weeks notice must be given in writing. Email is an acceptable form of cancellation also. Recital fees, Costume fees, Registration fees and monthly tuitions are non-refundable.
Make-up Class: Students are encouraged to make up any classes they may miss. Make-up lessons are usually allowed in any other age and level appropriate class. Please contact us to arrange a make-up class.
All make-up classes must be scheduled with in 30 days of the missed class. Once the session is over all make-up lessons become void.
Trial Class: One free Trial Class is available to all new students. An additional Trial Class can be attended for $20/per class. This fee will be applied to the first month's tuition.
Observing CLass: We are reinstating our class watching days! You are welcome to observe your dancer's class during the last lesson of each month. We look forward to seeing you then!